Cider-Poached Pears

Prep Time

Less than 10 mins

Cooking Time

10-30 mins





Cooking with

This simple dessert provides a warm, sweet ending to fall or winter meals.


  • 3 ripe but firm pears, halved and cored
  • Some apple juice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • Several whole cloves
  • 1 cup raisins
  • Pinch sea salt
  • 1 tbsp Mitoku Organic Mirin
  • 1 tbsp Mitoku Organic Kuzu
  • Some chopped, toasted walnuts, for garnish (optional)

Preparation Method

  1. Arrange pears in a single layer on the bottom of a medium-sized saucepan.
  2. Pour in a mixture of 3 parts apple juice and 1 part water to almost cover the pears. Add the spices, raisins, and salt and simmer, covered, until pears are tender.
  3. Remove pears with a slotted spoon and set aside. Remove the cinnamon and cloves from the liquid, return it to the pan, and cook down to 1 cup. Add mirin.
  4. Thoroughly dissolve kuzu in 1 tbsp cold water and add to cider while stirring briskly. Continue stirring over medium-low heat until kuzu thickens and becomes translucent. Simmer 1 minute more.
  5. Immediately serve pears in small bowls with sauce ladled over the top and, if served, a sprinkle of toasted, chopped walnuts.

Recipe by John & Jan Belleme